ハリウッドのシーンの注目すべき人物は今年、マルチコンを飾り、彼らの存在を、見事な目標 – ロサンゼルスの回復を擁護することに貢献しました。
誇りのショーで、「The Walking Dead」宇宙の最高クリエイティブ責任者であるScott M. Gimpleは、「厳しい時代には、人々は常に団結していると述べました。
The Walking Dead、Invincible、およびTeen Titans Go!での役割で知られるKhary Paytonは、回復力について発言し、「回復力のある個人は地震や山火事のようなイベントを経験するものです。
情熱的な崇拝者として、私の視点を共有させてください:Khary Paytonは、国と地球のさまざまな地域から来たロサンゼルスに旅行する人々が共有された野望に駆られていることを表現しています。この野心は、彼らが近づいている夢、つまり故郷をより大きな何かを追求するために彼らの故郷を置き去りさせることを推進する夢によって支えられています。この賑やかな都市では、彼らは物語を語り、会うことさえ決してない人と共鳴する方法で自分自身を表現することを目指しています。 。あなたの小型車をロサンゼルスに運転し、複数の駐車券を受け取っています。これは冗談めかして「La Fees」と呼ばれ、地球上からどこから来たのか疑問に思います。
Yuri Lowenthal :ロサンゼルスは多くの要因に対して堅牢だと思います。際立っている側面の1つは、そのユニークな地形です。ロサンゼルスで生き残り、繁栄するにはかなりの努力が必要です。 LAを処理できる人だけが、ここに住むことを本当に望んでいます。したがって、LAの住民は本質的に回復力があると思います。
「World of Warcraft」とInsomniacの「Spider -Man」での声のパフォーマンスで認められたTara Plattは、ロサンゼルスの力と粘り強さを、頑丈な織り織り布であるタペストリーに例えました。
簡単に言えば、Tara Plattは、重要な側面は多様性であると考えています。彼女は、このコミュニティが広大で包括的であり、1つの人口統計グループだけに限定されないことを発見しました。時間が経つにつれて、彼女はこの多面的な環境の改善を観察します。これは、上昇する潮がすべてのボートを持ち上げる方法と同様です。この多様性は、ロサンゼルスでの生活を非常に興味をそそるものだと考えています。
ダニエル・ローガン:それは主に私をカリフォルニアに引き寄せる人々です。友達が全国に散らばっているにもかかわらず、彼らはしばしば私がここに住むことを選んだ理由を尋ねます。私の反応は常に2つあります – 気候は魅力的ですが、それは本当に私を魅了する人々です。私たちの多くは芸術家や起業家であり、ユニークで活気のあるコミュニティを作成します。
映画のバフとして、私はロサンゼルスが絶対に魅了していると思います – あなたはある瞬間に燃える火に包まれることができます。 。私たちは皆、動きを検討するためのユニークな動機を持っていますが、この都市にはここで根付いていることがあります。 LAが私たちに呪文をかけたようなものです。私たちはさまざまな理由で逃げることを夢見ているかもしれませんが、最終的にはその魅力に抵抗することはできません。
元々、私はニューヨーク市出身です。正直に言うと、私はそれが深く好きですが、現時点では、代わりにロサンゼルスにいたいです。天気は一貫して快適で、創造的なシーンは繁栄しています。コミュニティは本当に注目に値します。しかし、あなたが落ち着くと、人々が不誠実であるという時折のステレオタイプに気付かずにはいられないと主張する人もいるかもしれません。 、想像力豊かで魅力的な人々は、私が行った他の場所と比較して、ロサンゼルスに住んでいます。これは、LAに対する私たちの深い愛情に貢献する重要な要因だと思います。確かに、それは家のように感じられ、最も魅力的な意味で非常に多くのユニークなキャラクターの家です。私たちは、私たちのコミュニティ(アルタデナとパリサード)が安全で健全なままであることを保証するために一生懸命働いています。それが私たちがやっていることであり、この街の回復力は、それを愛し、それを家と呼ぶ情熱的な人々から来ていると思います。
Kel Mitchell :本質的に、それは家族に関するものです。ここでそれを目撃することができます。あなたが見るのは家族です。もちろん、エンターテイメント、映画などがありますが、ここにあるのは本当に素晴らしい家族です。私たちは再構築し、プロセスはすでに始まっています。このすべての愛を見るのは心温まるです。みんなが集まって、私はとても愛を見てきました。信じられないほどでした。
Shar Jackson :私の意見では、ロサンゼルスは頑丈な個人でいっぱいです。多くの場合、私たちは厳しい、自己中心的などと言われています – これらのステレオタイプのいくつかには真実の要素があります。しかし、ほとんどの場合、LAが栽培した業界をナビゲートするために強く意志が必要です。気弱な人のための場所ではありません。私は、その人々の粘り強さは、このユニークな業界に耐えることができる人々から来ていると信じています。
Rob Liefeld: The essence is inherent in it. I’m referring to the city of films, a place where movies are born, and movies are an offshoot of art. Art requires inspiration and hard work, and we all struggle with pages and scripts. However, this town seems determined not to succumb, and there’s plenty worth fighting for here.
I find myself captivated by its beauty, yet it’s a breathtaking blend of numerous cultures that never ceases to amaze me. Being a native Californian, born and bred in the sun-kissed South, I’ve witnessed this vibrant landscape unfold throughout my life. And let me tell you, the fires we’ve experienced here are as destructive as anything I’ve ever laid eyes on.
In recent times, I found myself fortunate to have my son residing up in the lofty Hollywood Hills. As wildfires threatened, he was forced to abandon his abode and seek refuge with us here in Orange County. Meanwhile, my beloved sister-in-law faced an equally daunting ordeal, being displaced from her home due to the fires. Regrettably, she wasn’t permitted to return for a staggering four and a half weeks.
Indeed, it’s astonishing, yet I’ve learned that this place never fails to rise up. And let me tell you, I have a feeling it will bounce back even stronger than before.
In his own words, the creator of Invincible and The Walking Dead, Robert Kirkman, expressed that it’s an exceptional group of people.
Robert Kirkman: I find this place simply amazing! It’s undeniably vast, and there’s such a diverse group of people here. The community is incredibly strong, and I believe the city itself has many wonderful aspects that foster resilience among its inhabitants… Well, to be honest, I might not always understand what I’m discussing [laughs].
Actress Bitsie Tulloch, known for her role as Lois Lane in “Superman and Lois,” often draws strength from the notion that “it’s a city (Metropolis) of dreamers.
Bitsie Tulloch: Essentially, this town is filled with dreamers, and dreamers always have visions… I am completely convinced that our city will recover. What troubles me the most is the people who either couldn’t afford fire insurance or had their coverage terminated.
As a cinephile, it gnaws at me to admit that the high cost of living is forcing many friends, colleagues, family members, and acquaintances out of this cherished industry. If we don’t take action to raise awareness about this issue, I fear that more people will be forced to leave, which makes my concern even deeper.
Regarding the city’s resilience, there’s no debate about it. It’s simply the nature of those attracted to the entertainment industry – we’re artists, accustomed to plans not always going as intended. Therefore, I believe this is the reason behind it.
In the adored Marvel Studios animated series X-Men ’97, Isaac Robinson-Smith, who plays Bishop, expressed that when the city is in pain, everyone feels it.
Isaac Robinson-Smith: One thing that truly captivates me is the diverse array of individuals residing here. And I don’t foresee this diversity diminishing anytime soon in Los Angeles. After all, it has always been a city where newcomers, like myself who aren’t originally from LA, continue to flock to.
People are constantly arriving from various places, settling into something novel, which they either stumble upon or have long aspired for. The beauty of this lies in its diversity, stemming from differing desires and types of individuals. I believe it’s this variety that makes it thrive so effectively. Gatherings like [Multicon] and unity are born out of the shared understanding that we are all striving to build a single entity together.
With its unique vibe, it seems only fitting that Los Angeles feels this way, particularly among my colleagues in voiceover work. After all, we hail from diverse backgrounds and engage in a multitude of activities, yet we share a common purpose that binds us together.
In other words, this situation mirrors a larger problem. So, just as the city feels pain, we all feel it, and it’s up to us all to take action.
Sean Gunn, recognizable to fans from movies like “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “Creature Commandos,” and “Suicide Squad,” expressed confidence that they would take whatever steps were necessary to recover: “We’ll make whatever efforts are required to get back on our feet.
As an ardent appreciator, I find myself captivated by Los Angeles – a thriving metropolis brimming with dreamers. Countless remarkable individuals call this city their birthplace, but it’s also home to countless transplants – those who ventured from other towns and cities, enticed by the allure of Hollywood and the entertainment industry. They left behind their familiar surroundings, embarking on a journey to make their mark in the realm of showbiz.
This diverse and energetic group of individuals makes Los Angeles a city I deeply admire. I’ve been a resident here for over two decades, having grown up in Missouri, but LA feels like home now. We may face challenges, but we’re resilient; we’ll rebuild, recover, and do whatever it takes to stand tall again.
Kaycee Stroh, a well-known alumna from High School Musical, affectionately referred to Los Angeles as a vibrant mix of exceptionally diverse individuals.
As a film enthusiast immersed in the vibrant heartbeat of Los Angeles, I’ve come to appreciate this city as a melting pot teeming with extraordinary individuals, each one brimming with unique talents, perspectives on humanity, and an infectious passion. It’s this diversity that makes LA truly exceptional. When we collaborate, we collectively share our gifts and contribute to the rich tapestry of creativity that defines this city. I firmly believe in its resilience and am confident that LA will continue to flourish.
Monique Coleman, a renowned actress from the High School Musical series, underscored the strong link between Los Angeles residents and the art scene.
Monique Coleman: It seems LA often receives an unfair portrayal, perhaps from an outsider’s perspective. But from within, we are simply a group of dreamers deeply passionate about art. I believe that those who cherish art also care deeply for humanity. Therefore, it’s not surprising that this community would rally together in support of its own.
The misunderstanding regarding the city’s riches is quite prevalent, as people often fail to realize that the wealth has been accumulated over numerous generations through consistent contributions to this community. It’s simply delightful to unite and take action in support of this noble cause.
Renowned figure and trendsetter Juju Green (also recognized as Straw Hat Goofy on TikTok) further emphasized that our diverse community is “remarkably tough and strong-willed.
Born and raised in the vibrant heart of Compton, Los Angeles, I am Juju Green – a proud local with roots deeply entrenched here. What truly defines us is our remarkable capacity for warmth and adaptability. Our city attracts an array of people from diverse backgrounds, drawn by various reasons. This dynamic mix enriches our community and underscores the resilience that lies at its core.
In essence, when you gather individuals moving to a metropolis primarily driven by the desire to achieve and innovate, you’re essentially immersing yourself in a crucible filled with exceptionally resilient people.
Indeed, there are two groups of people shaping the dynamic in LA: those who have been living here for generations and have adapted to its high costs, and newcomers striving to achieve their dreams. When these individuals interact, they form incredibly powerful bonds. I believe this diversity is one of the primary reasons why Los Angeles thrives so vibrantly.
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2025-02-26 21:37